Dr. Margaret M. Coughlan

Dr. Margaret Coughlan studied chemical engineering at MIT before attending New York University for medical school. She then went on to do her family medicine residency at Memorial Hospital of R.I./Brown University. She is board certified in the specialty of Family Medicine and is active in maintaining her status as board certified.  She enjoys caring for the entire family, but at this time is limiting her practice to school aged-children and adults.  Dr. Coughlan emphasizes preventive medical care as she cares for you. Don’t be surprised if she asks you when your last mammogram or cholesterol test was when you are in for a cold or sinus infection! She is also manages chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, asthma, osteoporosis, etc.  

When Dr. Coughlan is not in the office caring for you, she usually can be found spending time with her family, playing tennis/pickleball, going for long walks, or reading a book.